Saturday, January 16, 2010

Home Remedies For Heartburn And Indigestion Remedies For Acid Indigestion And Heartburn Ohter Than Meds?

Remedies for acid indigestion and heartburn ohter than meds? - home remedies for heartburn and indigestion

I have a bad case of acid indigestion and heartburn, as never before. What are the things that I am at home, could do to help? (No drugs, if possible)


Nina Lee said...

Milk is the only one) was (not a drug that helps a little to me.

Nina Lee said...

Milk is the only one) was (not a drug that helps a little to me.

whiskeyf... said...

that the work of milk. If you have a lot of heartburn and indigestion you should switch to doctors.

jennerbe... said...

This may be silly, but if you are looking for a way to get rid of your heartburn or indigestion, it is a good way. If you have these symptoms, it is because your body is actually the absence of acid that your body needs to dismantle everything you eat. If you eat a teaspoon of vinegar or more, do the trick. Believe me ... It works!

Elun said...

I have heard of the vinegar solution for one or two different things, especially apple cider vinegar.
Are you pregnant? When I had my first child, I had nausea, the freed by the impactor. When I had my second, I had a lot of heartburn and realized that in the days when I red meat, no heartburn, go figure. Both seem to go vegetarian!
You do not feel Tums? I had a taste of the fruit that was not so bad, has calcium.

Gonzo said...

Some people find solace in the acidity of the milk, because it could relieve some of the symptoms of heartburn light. Drinking a small amount of fat or skim milk every one to two hours to wash the acid in the stomach. When milk is not available, use small amounts of water.

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